Sarnia Sports Chiropractic and Performance Centre


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Laser therapy is a non-invasive, pain-free treatment method that uses red and infrared light to target inflamed and injured tissues. The photon energy from the laser penetrates through the skin to the tissue and interacts with the cells to help restore normal cell function and enhances the body's natural healing process.


Laser therapy is a non-invasive, pain-free treatment method that uses red and infrared light to target inflamed and injured tissues. The photon energy from the laser penetrates through the skin to the tissue and interacts with the cells to help restore normal cell function and enhances the body's natural healing process.

Top 10 Conditions Treated With Laser Therapy

Knee pain/arthritis
Cervical pain
Plantar fasciitis
Low back pain
Trigger points
Muscle spasms
Shoulder pain
Hip pain
Hand pain
Elbow pain

What are the advantages?

Decrease the amount of scar tissue
Increase oxygenated blood to injury site
Increase in proper collagen production to enhance tissue elasticity and reduce scar formation
Repairs damaged muscle fibres and enhances activation
Decrease the amount of inflammation
Promotes nerve regeneration and recovery
Increase in cartilage production to improve joint function and movement
Increase bone formation to accelerate repair


Although adverse effects from laser therapy are rare and temporary - some effects may occur due to pre-existing health conditions. Potential side effects may include:

Temporary increase in pain during application of laser
Mild bruising from vasodilation or direct pressure of laser tip
Temporary dizziness
Skin reaction when photosensitizing drugs are used with laser therapy

*please notify our staff if you are on any photosensitizing drugs prior to using laser therapy. This would include: antihistamines, contraceptives, NSAIDS or anti arthritics, antidepressants and antibiotics.

What are the contraindications of laser therapy?

Laser therapy should not be used on any individual with any of the following:

Light hypersensitivity
Use of corticosteroids
Pregnancy Carcinoma

* please notify our staff if you have or suspect you have any of the noted contraindications. For additional information, please visit